What does the blinking of the blue LED on the KISS FC mean?

If you power the FC (no matter how) the green LED (indicating power) should be solid while the blue LED (status) is solid for a second, then start blinking, go solid for a second or more again and then go off.

The blue blinking after powering indicates the period of the bootup and the gyro calibration. So don’t move the quad until the blue LED is off!

Once you armed the quad, the blue LED should be solid.


There are 2 situations where the blue LED indicates an error:

– blinking once a second means you need to activate the FC. This is usually the case when you connect it to your PC for the first time or after you flashed a new firmware on it. Connect it to the GUI, click “save” once while connected to the internet – and you’re done.
The Chrome GUIs from v1.11 upwards show the activation status under the “PID & Rates” next to the serial number [Activated] [Not Activated]

– hectic flashing of the blue LED indicates a problem of the MCU. This could be both hardware or firmware related like a defective component or bootloader.